Sunday, March 11, 2012

Achilles Tendon Injury

Update:  4 Days After the Injury
Less swelling but the bruising's more vivid

3 Days After the Acute Injury:
Swollen like an elephant's foot.

I was afraid it was a ruptured or torn achilles tendon at first but after seeing a chiropractor, I was told it was only an achilles tendon sprain.  The swelling and inflammation has gotten worse but I think this is just a sign of healing.

For those wondering how I got this injury, it was mostly due to a lack of warming-up prior to intense plyometrics and also lack of support in my Vibrams Five Fingers as well as landing on the front half of my foot rather than my entire foot.  The downward pressure driving my heel down with nothing below to support it led to a strain on the achilles tendon.  This is what I think anyways.

Epic from "Beastmodal Domains" believes there is an inherent risk in doing plyometrics at such a high volume.  He points out that the inventor of this exercise said the maximum number of reps should be 4 sets of 10.  I had done 5 rounds before I was injured, which means I had already done 75 reps of box jumps at 24" in addition to 115 lbs push presses and toes-to-bars.  (I was doing the CrossFit Games Open 12.3 WOD when I got injured.)

The Beastmodal Domains article on the association between high-rep plyometrics and rupturing of the achilles tendon can be read here.

3/14/12 Update:

I am SOOO grateful that my injury was not so severe that I needed surgery!  Thank the sweet Lord! I will never be so careless with my body again.  You only get one...


  1. Kyle,

    Best of luck during your recovery and DO NOT PUSH IT TOO HARD. Stay off that fucking thing until you are sure it is completely healed. Not to discredit your chiropractor, but I think you may want to see an orthopaedic surgeon just to be sure it's not at least a partial tear. The above images of your foot look no different than mine post-rupture/pre-surgery. Same bruising patterns.

    Get well soon,

  2. Yo Besat, I actually JUST saw this comment by accident. I never got a notification e-mail or nuthin'. Anyways, guess you can say "toldja so!" You were right.

    I'm seeing a different surgeon this Thursday and hopefully can get a surgery in by Friday.
